What is cascade amplifier?
A multiple-stage amplifier inwhich the output of each stage is connected to the input
of the next stage.
What do you mean by cascade control?
Control in which the output variable
of a controller is the reference variable of another
What is command in Control Systems?
Command is an operative order which initiates a movement or a function. The order may be:
1. direct input to the machine in coded form;
2. results from a logical interaction of instructions from an outside source with conditions sensed
by the machine;
by the machine;
3. outputs derived from the computing or comparing function.
What is derating factor?The factor by which the ratings of component parts are reduced to provide additional safety
margins in critical applications or when the parts are subjected to extreme environmental conditions for which their normal ratings do not apply.
What do mean by interconnection system?
The electrical and mechanical interconnection of any one or all of the six levelsof interconnections generally common to electronic equipment. The six levels of interconnections are: intramodule, module to motherboard, intramotherboard, motherboard to back panel, backpanel wiring and input/output.
What is manual control in industrial automation?
Control in which a direct or indirect human manipulation of the final controlling element
is carried out. In the process industry, this is generally done via a standardized signal. Can also be defined as direction of a computer by means of manually operated switches.
What is automatic control system?
A control system which operates without human intervention. It is subdivided into a controlling system and controlled system.
What do you mean by automatic zero-and full-scale calibration?
Zero and sensitivity stabilization by servos for comparison of demodulated zero-and full-scale signals with zero and full-scale references.
What are pneumatic system?
A system which makes use of air for operating control valves and actuators (cylinders,motors).