What is a natural function generator?
An analog device or a specific program based on some physical law, such as one used with a digital computer to solve a particular differential equation.
What is negative acknowledgement, NAK?
In binary synchronous communications, a line control character sent by a receiving terminal to indicate that an error was encountered in the previous block and that the receiving
terminal is ready to accept another transmission of the erroneous block.
What do you mean by the term ripple?
Periodic deviations around an average measured or supplied value, occuring at frequencies which may be related to that of the mains supply or of some other definite source, such as chopper. Ripple is determined under specified conditions.
What is rise time?
For a step response, the time interval between the instant when the output signal, starting from zero, reaches a small specified percentage (for instance 10%) of the final steady-state value, and the instant when it reaches for the first time a specified large percentage (for instance 90%) of the same steady-state value.
What is a thyristor converter ?
An operative unit comprising one or more thyristor sections together with converter transformers, essential switching devices, and other auxiliaries, if any of these items exist. System control equipments are optionally included.
What is time constant ?
The time constant T is the time required to complete 63.2% of the total rise or decay of the output of a first-order linear system, initiated by a step or an impulse to the input.
What does the term asynchronous means?
A mode of operation in which an operation is started by a signal before the operation on which this operation depends is completed. When referring to hardware devices, it is the method in which each character is sent with its own synchronizing information. The hardware operations are scheduled by
“ready” and “done” signals rather than by time intervals. This implies that a second operation can begin before the first operation is completed.
What is time division multiple access?
TDMA An advanced networking method used to communicate over satellites. It is a digital transmission technique. All signals are converted to digital bit streams. These bits are combined into a single stream for transmission, then separated at the receive station into separate bit
streams and decoded to obtain the original message signals.
What is ATE (automatic test equipment)?
control software Software used during execution of a test program which controls the no testing operations of the ATE. This software is used to execute a test procedure but does not contain any of the stimuli or measurement parameters used in the testing of the Unit Under Test (UUT). Where test software and control software are combined in one inseparable program, that program will be treated as test software not control software.